Daily Practice Sheet 24 October 2023
- October 24, 2023
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Practice Sheet
24 October 2023
Current Affairs Based
GS 1: Society
- What is social inequality? How it is different
- Is caste and economic status correlated in India?
- Enabling young women to engage with the labour market is key to both youth and gender empowerment
GS 2: Polity
- Conferring personhood on a foetus at expense of a woman’s agency is problematic. Critically examine in the light of recent SC judgment. IE
- Discuss the role of media in a democracy. Examine various issues and challenges before it.
GS 2: IR
GS 3: Economy
- How is MSP calculated? Discuss MS Swaminathan Commission’s recommendation in this regard. DTE
- What do you understand by internationalisation of currency. Make a case for internationalisation of rupee. EPW
GS 3: Science and Technology
GS 4: Ethics