Rare dinosaur eggs found in Narmada Valley show how ancient reptiles shared traits with today’s birds: Study Subject :Environment Section: Species in News Context; A group of Indian researchers found rare cases of fossilised dinosaur eggs — an egg within an egg — among 256 newly discovered eggs from the Narmada Valley. Details […]
Doppler Weather Radars Subject :Geography Section : Atmosphere What is RADAR? RADAR is the expansion for Radio, Detection and Ranging. Its basic components are a transmitter, receiver, antenna, power supply system, signal processing and high computing devices. It works on the principle of electromagnetic waves sent out by the transmitter. The same wave […]
Daily Practice Sheet 18 January 2023 Current Affairs Based GS 1: Geography What are Doppler radars? Discuss their use in weather forecasting. China sees population dip after decades. Examine its impact on India and the world. Compare and contrast India’s population with China. GS 2: Polity What is a passive euthanasia? Discuss […]