Contours of joint theatre commands ready Subject : Science and Tech Section: Defence Context: The Armed Forces have narrowed down the final contours of the integrated theatre commands More about the news: The Armed Forces in India have made significant progress in defining integrated theatre commands, which aim to combine Army, Navy, and […]
NCF sub group suggestion to change India to Bharat not there in final documents Subject: History Section: Modern India Context: National Curriculum Framework sub-group suggestion to change ‘India’ to ‘Bharat’ not there in final document More about the news: One of the 25 focus groups formed by the NCERT suggested renaming ‘India’ to […]
Daily Practice Sheet 26 October 2023 Current Affairs Based GS 1: Society Discuss the factors that led to fall in women’s labour force participation rate (LFPR). Suggest measures to improve it. Examine the impact of fall in women’s labour force participation rate (LFPR). GS 1: Geography Discuss the locational significance of Bhutan. Discuss […]