Daily Practice Sheet 23 October 2020
- October 23, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Prelims Topic
- Ramnagar ki Ramlilla
- All India Kisan Sabha
- Karachi Session of INC
- Nutri Cereals
- Nag Missile
- H1B Visa
- INS kavaratti
Daily Mapping
- Karwar Base
Daily Facts
Health Expenditure
- Public expenditure in health in India is 0.9% to 1.28% GDP.
- It is one of the lowest in the world.
- In fact, this is less than the average of the poorest countries in the world at 1.6%.
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 2: Governance
- Indian public health system is ridden with various inequalities. Comment. [Reference: EPW]
- The neo-liberal solution of lopsided and unregulated growth of private healthcare is not a panacea for India’s massive health needs. Discuss. [Reference: EPW]
GS 2: IR
- Has UN rules privileged few over others? In this context discuss the need for reform of UN and the obstacle in this regard. [Reference: The Hindu]
GS 3: Economy
- What are nutri cereals? How can they help in fighting the challenge of hunger? [Reference: Indian Express]
- Discuss the impact of green revolution on cropping pattern with particular focus on coarse cereals. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 4: Ethics