Daily Practice Sheet 22 June 2020
- June 22, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Facts
Gender and pandemic:According to a Study of the Seychelles, carried out in 2019 shows that gender-based violence leads to estimated costs of 4.625% of GDP.
Coal Import: In 2019-20, India imported 243 million tonnes of coal. It is about a third of its domestic output of 729 million tonnes. Coal India (largest miner) accounted for 602 million tonnes.
Daily Mapping
- Gulf of Aden
- Horn of Africa
- Strait of Malacca
- Chumar
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 1: History
GS 1: Society
GS 1: Geography
- COVID-19 pandemic has led to reverse migration. Comment [Reference: Indian Express]
- What do you understand by soil? Explain the process of soil formation. Discuss the reasons for soil degration and suggest remedies to arrest them. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 2: Polity
- Discuss the role of Rajya Sabha in India’s parliamentary system of government. Do you agree it is losing its sheen as an exalted forum of scholarly debate? Agrue. [Reference: The Hindu]
- What is the role of the legislator (MP,MLA) in our constitution? Critically examine the reasons behind the decline in importance of the role of an individual MP and symbolic reduction to a number. [Reference: The Hindu]
- How has panchayat fund centralization impacted the effective of panchayats to function as agents of self-governance in India? In this regard critically examine the proposal of Jal Ministry to transfer fund from panchayats to ministry form implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission. [Reference: The Hindu]
GS:International Relations
- Critically examine China’s strategic objective in flexing its muscles to India by increasing border incursions in recent past. [Reference: The Hindu]
GS 3: Economy
- Is US Dollar status as reserve currency under threat? Discuss [Reference: The Hindu Businessline]
- Discuss the challenges faced by small farmers in India. Also suggest measures to help them tackle these challenges. [Reference: Indian Express] (9 PM Answer writing Discussion Youtube live)
- Critically examine the impact of climate change on agriculture. Suggest remedies. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Security
- Assess India’s external security threats. In this explain what is two front war? Is India prepared for it? [Reference: The Hindu]
GS 3: Science
- What do you understand by “Genomic Surveillance”? Discuss in the context of China Dragnet. [Reference: ASPI]
GS 4: Ethics
- What do you understand by values? Discuss its types with example.
- Discuss the ethical issues in slavery. [Reference: Indian Express]
- What are bribes? Differentiate between coercive and collusive bribery. [Reference: Indian Express] (9 PM Answer writing Discussion Youtube live)