Daily Practice Sheet 17 July 2020
- July 17, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
1 Comment
Daily Prelims Topic
- Radio Access Network:
- Pest Challenge
- Non-Personal Data
- BIS and Basel norm
- Delimitation
- Kihoto Hollohan VS Zachillhu And Others (1992)
- Prevention to cruelty act
Daily Mapping
- Chabahar port
- Delaram–Zaranj Highway
Daily Facts
There has been a 260 per cent increase in cyber-attacks since the lockdown began.
Daily Supreme Court Judgements
- Kihoto Hollohan VS Zachillhu And Others (1992): Judicial review of Speaker’s decision in Anti –defection Law
Source: The Hindu
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 2: Polity
- The role of individual MPs Members of Parliament) has diminished over the years and as a result healthy constructive debate on policy issues are not usually witnessed. How far can this be attributed to the anti-defection law which was legislated but with a different intention? [Reference: The Print]
- Does Anti –Defection law curb freedom of speech and expression of individual MLAs? Critically examine [Reference: Hindustan Times, The Print]
- Has Anti-Defection Law cured the inter parry democracy by curbing dissent? [Reference: The Print]
- Why governor’s position has become controversial in Indian Polity? [Reference: The Hindu, com]
- There is a dichotomy in law. Killing animals and consuming is allowed. But killing animals, offering to deity and then consuming is not permissible. In the light of this statement critically analyze Kerala Animals and Bird Sacrifices Prohibition Act, 1968 (Act) [Reference: Hindustan Times]
GS:International Relations
- Can QUAD become an ASIAN NATO? [Reference: Business Line]
GS 3: Economy
- Non-personal data has economic value and can be utilised for better governance. What do you understand by non-personal data? Discuss the Report by the Committee of Experts on Non-Personal Data Governance Framework [Reference: Business Line, in]
- What do you understand by Minimum Support Prices (MSP)? How does it impacts cropping pattern? Discuss in the context of recent announcement of MSP for different crops. [Reference: Business Line]
GS 3: Security
- Discuss the various types of cyber threats. Has the corona pandemic led to increase number of cyber-attacks? How can we protect us from any kind of cyber-attacks? [Reference: Business Line]
- Analyze the features of National Cyber Security Policy 2013. Do you think it is still relevant in the wake of tremendous change in the technologies, platforms, threats, services and aspirations? [Reference: Meity Gov]
- Discuss the need for National Cyber Security Strategy. [Reference: NCSS2020]
GS 4: Ethics
- What do you understand by fair practice? [Reference: Financial Express]
- Is lockdown counterproductive? Critically examine pro’s and con’s [Reference: Indian Express]
- What do you understand by pro social behaviors? How can such behavior encouraged? [Reference: Economic Times]
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