Bioinvasions are a global threat to ecosystems, says IPBES report
- September 23, 2023
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPN Topics
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Bioinvasions are a global threat to ecosystems, says IPBES report
Subject : Environment
Section: Biodiversity
Source: DTE
- Over 3,500 harmful invasive alien species have been introduced into regions and biomes around the world by human activities, says an assessment report.
- The global economic cost of invasive alien species, that negatively impact nature and people, exceeded $423 billion annually in 2019. Costs have at least quadrupled every decade since 1970.
- About 60% of species extinctions are attributable to invasive alien species either solely, or in combination with other drivers.
- About 90% of documented global extinctions of native species, attributed mainly to invasive alien species, have occurred on islands, especially remote islands.
Threats from Invasive Alien Species (IAS):
- The first comprehensive global report on invasive alien species and their control, published by
- The spread of invasive species is one of the five major threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- Multiple anthropogenic activities have introduced more than 37,000 alien species to regions and biomes around the world, with the number rising at 200 new alien species every year.
- A conservative estimate from India suggests that over the last 60 years, invasive species have cost the Indian economy $127 billion. A pan-India monitoring of invasive plants for the last 16 years suggests that one-time control of invasive plants across India would necessitate $13.5 billion, with uncertain outcomes.
Impact on Island nations and indigenous communities:
- Most countries lack a national legislation or regulations directed specifically towards the prevention and control of invasive alien species.
- 90% of documented global extinctions attributed mainly to invasive alien species have occurred on islands, especially remote islands with high levels of endemism.
- A bioinvasion occurs when a species that originally exists in a certain part of the planet is intentionally or, more often, accidentally introduced into an entirely new location.
- This happens, for example, whenever a ship carrying fruit cargo also carries in a new species of spider among the fruit, or parasites on the ship mascot, or burrs stuck on the captain’s jacket.
- “Invasional meltdown hypothesis” where various invader-invader interactions facilitate further invasions. Interactions among invasive alien species can enable further biological invasions.
- Negative impact of bioinvasion:
- The more we human beings travel to all parts of the globe, the more bioinvasions we spread.
- The negative impacts of bioinvasions are far-reaching, affecting the economy, food security, water security and human health.
- The spread of South American shrub Lantana camara impacted the livelihoods and wellbeing of the Soliga Adivasis in Karnataka.
- Positive impact:
- Prosopis juliflora, an invasive alien tree. Charcoal made from the tree is a source of income for local communities and hence attempts at managing the species have been problematic.