Daily Practice Sheet 11 June 2020
- June 11, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Mapping
- Kali River: India –Nepal boundary
- Gir
- Naku-La
- Dibru-Saikhowa National Park and Maguri-Motapung wetland.
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 2: Governance
GS 2: IR
GS 3: Science and Tech
- What do you understand by Genetic Modification? Discuss its pro’s and con’s in the context of farmer’s agitation for GM seeds in Maharashtra. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Security
- Discuss the strategic significance of Darbuk-Shyokh-Daulat Beg Oldie (DSDBO) highway. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 4: Ethics
- Discuss the psychological process behind Mob violence.
- Leadership is the most defining quality of a civil servant. Discuss with examples from Indian bureaucracy during corona pandemic. [Reference: Outlook India]
- What do you understand by sacrifice? What is the supreme sacrifice any civil servant can make while fulfilling his duty? [Reference: Indian Express]