Daily Practice Sheet 12 August 2020
- August 12, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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On this Day
Birth anniversary of Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai .He is the father of Indian Space Program
Daily Prelims Topic
- Clause 6 of Assam Accord
- Tribal communities of Assam
- Secularism in Indian Constitution
- Sputnik Vaccine
- Permanent Court of Arbitration and UNCLOS
- Hindu Succession Act, 1956
- Volcanoes
- Ring of fire
- Special Mention Accounts
Daily Mapping
- Valsad
- Singrauli
- Korba
- Krishna and Godavari River
- Mount Sinabung
Daily Constitution
- Article 253 of the constitution
- Article 15 of the constitution
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 1: Society
- What are Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Hindu Law Schools? Do they contradict Right to equality, Discuss in context of Gender Equality. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 1: Geography
- Examine India’s population policy in the context of recent projections of India’s population. [Reference: The Hindu]
- Explain the phenomenon of volcanism. Also discuss various types of volcanoes and volcanic landforms. [Reference: Indian Express]
- What is ring of fire?Why most of the active volcanoes are found around it? [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 2: Polity
- Discuss the idea of constitutionalism in Indian Constitution. [Reference: The Hindu]
- What do you understand by democracy? Critically asses Indian democracy. [Reference: The Hindu]
- Parliament, the supreme law making body of the country must function uninterrupted, discuss how technology can be an aid to enhance the productivity of parliament. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Economy
- The top 1% individual taxpayers contribute nearly one-third of India’s taxes” Discuss the reasons for low tax collection rate in India and measures that need to be initiated to widen the tax base. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Security
- Digital shutdown and National security must balance each other” Discuss with respect to Right to internet access and its prohibition for national security. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Science and Technology
- What do you understand by Alternative Medicine? How can it help in promoting low cost medicine with respect to COVID-19? [Reference: Indian Express]
- Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai is called as the father of Indian Space Program. Discuss his contribution in making India self dependent.
GS 4: Ethics