Daily Practice Sheet 14 December 2022
- December 14, 2022
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: Uncategorized
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Daily Practice Sheet
14 December 2022
CSE Mains 2023
Note: Tomorrow we will start with GS 2
Current Affairs Based
GS 1: History
- Sri Aurobindo, known widely as the revolutionary turned mystic, was in fact a mystic even as he was deep into politics and a revolutionary in the sphere of spirituality. [Reference: Organiser]
- What is Assam Accord of 1985 and how amended citizenship law challenges it?
- Discuss the background of Assam movement.
GS 2: Polity
GS 2: IR
GS 3: Economy
- Discuss the main objectives of FPOs. Examine the challenges. [Reference: Business Line]
- Discuss the need for UBI? [Reference: Financial Express]
GS 3: Environment
- Critically analyse the Wildlife Protection (amendment) Act. Why are animal activists against it?
- What is Nature Based Solution? Discuss its role in conservation.
GS 3: Science and Technology