Daily Practice Sheet 17 June 2020
- June 17, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Mapping
- Galwan Valley
- Aksai Chin
- PongongTso
Daily Facts
- India is world’s third biggest oil consuming nation.
- Fuel demand had fallen to its lowest since 2007 as the government imposed a nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
- The demand, which had fallen by as much as 70 per cent, has since recovered after lockdown restrictions were eased beginning early May.
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 1: Society
- What are cooperatives? Discuss how can be an alternative institution to rebuild the economy and life millions of migrants returning to rural areas devastated by corona pandemic. [Reference: The Hindu]
GS 2: Polity
- Do you agree with the opinion that sedition law needs to be scrapped? Discuss in the light of sedition charges against media and citizens. [Reference: The Print, Indian Express]
- Critically discuss pros and cons of MPLAD scheme. [Reference: The Hindu]
GS: Governance
- Is it time for urban employment guarantee scheme? What lessons can be derived from MNREGA for urban areas. [Reference: Economic Times]
GS: International Relations
- Discuss the geo political and geo economic importance of South China Sea for India. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Economy
- Can Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds be an alternative of capital for Indian companies? [Reference: Livemint]
- What do you understand by deflation? Is India suffering from such situation? What are its possible implications? Suggest measures to tackle it. [Reference: Livemint]
GS 3: Science and Tech
- What do you understand by immunity passport? How can it help in restarting the economy during pandemic? [Reference: Livemint]
- Explain various technologies put to use during corona pandemic to contain it? [Reference: Weforum, Livemint]
GS 4: Ethics
- What do you understand by hypocrisy? Are Indians educated elites hypocrite? [Reference: Hindustan Times, Hindustan Times, Scroll in]
- Who are whistleblowers? Why are they sometimes victimized? [Reference: Indian Express]
- What do you understand by civil service activism? Discuss various concerns regarding it. [Reference: Indian Express]