Daily Practice Sheet 26 August 2020
- August 26, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Prelims Topic
- Warli painting
- National Food Security Act 2013.
- Animals and coronavirus
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Open Market Operation
- Mono Cropping and Crop rotation
- Miyawaki Method
- Sin Tax
- Consumption and Investment
Daily Mapping
- Tripoli and Libya
- Alang yard
Daily Facts
- India is the world’s second largest producer of both rice and wheat.
- It is cultivated on 45 million hectares in kharif and rabi seasons, rice production has consistently risen over the years from 104.4 million tonnes (mt) in 2015-16 to 117.9 mt in 2019-20.
- Wheat, a rabi crop, is planted on around 30 million hectares and its harvest stood at 107.2 mt in 2019-20, up from 92.3 mt five years ago.
Daily Mains Mantra
GS 3: Economy
- Discuss the reasons behind need for structural reform of Indian economy. What are all the necessary reforms needed? [Reference: PIB]
- What do you understand by” Ease of Doing Business”? Discuss the efforts taken GOI to improve ease of doing business. [Reference: Business Line]
GS 3: Agriculture
- What do you understand by mono-cropping? Examine the impact of rice –wheat mono cropping on environment. In this context, discuss the need for multiple cropping and crop diversity. [Reference: Business Line]
- What are the various supply side issues faced by farmers? What are the measures taken by government to overcome it? [Reference: PIB]
GS 3: Internal security
- Warfare has undergone a sea change due to the emergence of new domains of warfare and disruptive technologies. In this context, explain new dimensions of warfare and discuss India’s readiness in those fronts. [Reference: PIB]
GS 4: Ethics