Daily Practice Sheet 29 July 2020
- July 29, 2020
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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On this Day
- International Tiger Day
Daily Prelims Topic
- Election timing and Election Commission
- Delimitation Exercise
- Business Advisory Committee
- NGT Compensation order on Baghjan Oil well disaster:
- Status of Tiger
- What is a public good?
- Australian bush fire
Daily Mapping
- Baghjan site
- Nagarhole-Bandipur-Wayanad-Mudumalai- Satyamangalam-BRT block.
Daily Facts
- According to Status of Tigers Report 2018 tigers were observed to be increasing at a rate of 6 per cent per annum in India from 2006 to 2018.
- There were nine tiger reserves when Project Tiger started in 1973. Now, India has 50 tiger reserves.
- Seventy per cent of the world’s tigers are in India and the conservation effort has been a huge success
Australian bush fire
- Nearly three billion animals were killed or displaced during Australia’s devastating bushfires of the past year, scientists say.
Daily Constitution
- Article 163
- Article 174
Daily Mains Mantra
Source: NCERT
Source: Bipin Chandra
GS 1: Geography
- What caused unprecedented Australian bush fire? [Reference: BBC, The Guardian]
GS 2: Polity
- Governor’s position has become politicized. Discuss various provisions of constitution and conventions responsible for this. Can we do away with this office? [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 2: Governance
- What do you understand by digital deprivation? How does it affects access to services? [Reference: Business Line]
GS 3: Economy
- The lives of Indians will not be improved, and the Indian economy will not be able to compete with the rest of the world, they say, until this vast informal sector is formalized. Do you agree with this? Give your arguments. [Reference: Business Line]
GS 4: Ethics