Daily Practice Sheet 9 May 2021
- May 9, 2021
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPS
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Daily Practice Sheet
9 May 2021
Daily Prelims Topic
- National Task Force to facilitate health response across country by the SC:
- Mucormycosis
- 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) drug
- Jaipur-Atrauligharana
- 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial
- Wildlife Corridor
- Pangolins
- Adjunct Therapy
- Kuchipudi
Daily Mapping
- Myanmar
- Kaziranga National Park
Daily Data
India’s Forex
- The forex reserves registered a growth of $3.913 billion to reach $588.02 billion during the week ended April 30, data released by the RBI showed.
Daily Mains Mantra
GS2: Polity
- Critically examine the role of regional parties in deepening federalism and national consciousness. [Reference: Indian Express]
- “Judge has to act like a selfless, dispassionate saint”. In this context elaborate on the need of independent judiciary and what are the challenges in this respect to ensure constitutional mandate. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS2: Governance
- Critically analyze the provisions of FCRA. Do you think it is a hurdle for NGO’s working during pandemic? [Reference: The Hindu]
- Why is India-EU FTA significant for India? Critically analyze the issues with holding signing of BTIA. [Reference: Indian Express]
GS 3: Science
- Make a case for TRIPS waiver. [Reference: The Hindu]
GS4: Ethics
- What do you understand by sympathy? [Reference: The Hindu]