Friday Factly 18 December 2020
- January 22, 2021
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: Friday Factly
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General Studies-1
Digital Divide
- 57 subscribers per 100 population in 2019
- On an average, less than 3 out of10 women in rural India and 4 out of 10 women in urban India ever used the Internet, according to the NFHS-5.
- Only an average of 42.6 per cent of women ever used the Internet as against an average of 62.16 percent among the men (56.81% and 33.94% in urban and rural areas for women – Men in urban areas and rural areas using internet: 73.76 and 55.6 %)
- India’s TFR down “substantially” to 2.2 as per the 2018 Sample Registration System, which is part of the Census exercise, from 3.2 in 2000, when the National Population Policy was adopted.
- The actual fertility was 2.2 prevailing at the time of NFHS 4, indicating thereby that couples on an average do not want more than 2 children.
- NFHS (2019-20): Several states have either witnessed meagre improvements or sustained reversals on child (under5 years of age) malnutrition parameters such as child stunting; child wasting; share of children underweight and child mortality rate. For example: Bihar saw proportion of stunted child under 5 years at 42.9% (2015-16: 48.3%;), J&K saw it at 26.9% (2015-16 – 26.9%); Kerala saw it at 23.4% (Earlier 19.7%)
- NFHS-5 and NFHS-4 are about five years apart but there is very little progress in many states. In Maharashtra, the under-5 mortality rate is basically the same in NFHS-4 and 5, and in Bihar, it reduced by just 3% over five years
Health Sector:
- India has 1.7 nurse per 1,000 population.
Auto sector
- Insurance Information Bureau of India report: As of March 2019, 57% of vehicles on road were uninsured.
- India sells more than20 million vehicles a year making it one of the biggest auto markets.
- According to National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 13 states and UTs of the 22 surveyed registered a surge in the percentage of stunted children under five years of age in comparison to 2015-16. These states are Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Telangana, Tripura, West Bengal, Lakshadweep and Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu.
- Wasting percentage increased in under 5 children in 12 states and UTs in comparison to NFHS-4. According to survey there is a rise in wasting in Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Telangana, Tripura, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and Lakshadweep, while Maharashtra and West Bengal showed no change.
- Between Jan-June 2020, more than 85 Indians were added to High Net Worth Individual.
Child malnutrition:
- India has the highest proportion of underweight children in the world: a full 36 per cent according to the National Family Health Survey 2015-16 (NFHS-4).
General Studies -2
- The Parliament’s Monsoon session (2020) proved to be one of the most productive sessions of Parliament, with 27 Bills passed by both Houses in 10 continuous sittings.
Population Control
- All 17 states have witnessed an increase in the use of modern contraceptives of family planning.
- Of 17 states analysed in the fifth round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS), except for Bihar, Manipur and Meghalaya, all other states have a TFR of 2.1 or less, which implies that most states have attained replacement level fertility
General Studies -3
GDP falls 0.35% with every 1% deficiency from the average rainfall deficiency
Environment and climate change
- A UN report released earlier this year stated that India’s per capita emissions are 60% lower than the global average.
- Also, emissions in the country grew 1.4% in 2019, much lower than its average of 3.3% per year over the last decade, the Emissions Gap Report said.
- United States has been the highest contributor with historical carbon emissions at 25 percent, followed by the EU at 22 percent and China at 13 percent and India has a low contribution of 3 percent.
- According to MOEFCC India was the only major G20 country that was on track towards keeping to its nationally determined commitments to halt runaway global warming. It had achieved 21% of its emissions intensity reduction target as a proportion of its GDP in line with its pledge to a 33-35% reduction by 2030, he said.
- The average monthly income of agricultural households, according to the NABARD’s All-India Rural Financial Survey in 2016-17, was the highest in Punjab. At Rs 23,133, it was more than 2.5 times the national average of Rs 8,931 and ahead of Haryana (Rs18,496) and Kerala (16,927), with Uttar Pradesh (Rs6,668) and Bihar (Rs 7,175) far behind.
Climate Change:
India has achieved 21% reduction in emission intensity over 2005 (Target 25%-33% by 2030)
- The growth rate in credit offtake has steeply declined to 5.8 per cent in November 2020, as against 14.2percentin2013. (RBI)
- 96% fall in loan disbursement by NBFC-MFI in quarter ended June 2020 from 15,865 crore in corresponding quarter in previous year to Rs 570 crore.
- Private consumption demands contribute 55-60% of GDP (Contracted 24.1% in Q1 and 7.7% in Q2 this year)
- India’s effective trade deficit with China (after including Hong Kong) dropped only by about $4 billion i.e., from $59 billion in FY18 to close to $55 billion in FY20
Digital Access
- From 2015 to June of 2020, India grew from 302 million internet subscribers to 750 million
- As per the 2011 Census, there are 494.9 million (49.49 crore) landless individuals in villages, who are directly or indirectly de-pendent on cultivation for their livelihoods.
As per Census 2011, around 1.2 crore or nearly 14 percent of the farming community are tenant farmers or sharecroppers, who work in fields owned by others.
Farm suicide:
- The National Crime Records Bureau of India reported that a total of 296,438 farmers have committed suicide since 1995, of whom 60,750 were just in Maharashtra. The Census data reveal that from 1952 to 2011, occupation in agriculture reduced to 54.4 per cent from 69.9 per cent. But agriculture’s contribution to the country’s GDP disproportionately declined to 14.4 per cent from 51.9 per cent.