Last Month Strategy for Prelims 2021
- September 14, 2021
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: Prelims
Prelims 2021
Last Month Strategy
Let me tell you a bitter truth of CSE Preparation, you will be judged by your result and not by your intentions and efforts. If you fail to cross the cut off on 10th Oct, everyone including your friends and family will conclude that you didn’t put required effort and have wasted your one year. Ultimately, people don’t care or bother about how well your intention is, how brilliant student you are, or how much you have strove. What they care is your result. They want to know the desired end result or conclusion.
On 10th Oct, when you will return home you got to answer your parents:
Kya hua? Hoga ki nahi?
In short, what’s the result?
The fact it’s the result that counts or matters.
That’s the reason why I say make your preparation result-oriented. For the same reason I call my prelims mentorship as LAQSHYA
All said and done results matter
But to achieve it, we have to take action.
Taking action is crucial in achieving success.
I have made a 25 days plan for you which includes both reading material and tests.
In last one month, practice is essential. You must have heard “Practice makes a man perfect”. I have added into it one important missing element of success” Right practice makes a man perfect”
In CSE Prelims, it is very important to practice right set of questions which will acclimatize your brain to face the questions which UPSC will ask in exam.
Taking this in mind I have framed 7 Most Important Subjects Tests called OPTIMA 2021 Sectional Test on all important and expected topics from all 7 subjects.
To give your preparation a finishing touch I have also framed 7 UPSC standard Full Length Tests called OPTIMA FLTs.
Aspirants who are struggling with current affairs can make use of LAQSHYA 2021 Monthly Current Affairs tests and PPP compilation.
My advice for Last month
- Start saying No: For the next one month start saying no all request by your friends / family to go out, chit chat, gossip. Do not waste your time. Do not watch YouTube, Netflix, etc (other tubes) for next 30 days. Become ruthless with your time.
- Stick to plan: You must stick to the OPTIMA revision plan. Do not change your plan daily.. The study plan should help you revise at least three times the entire syllabus including current affairs.
Remember failing to plan is planning to fail
- Do not run after material: Many aspirants waste their time running after materials brought out by coaching institutes in the last moment. Do not do that. Have limited resources. Do not burden yourself with unnecessary multiple stuff. Focus more on revision.
- Prioritizing: You need to prioritize your study. Focus on important topics first. The topics which have high probability of coming in exams. I have shared the OPTIMA notes along with OPTIMA questions to help you assess your preparedness.
- Asses yourself: It is very important to asses yourself. Taking quality mock tests will help you acclimatize yourself to test environment. You can make use of OPTIMA 2021 (7 sectional and 7 full length). All questions are selected very carefully and are probable to appear in exam this year. If you need more tests you can practice the entire LAQSHYA 2021. Now is the time to build momentum. You should achieve your peak performance near Prelims exam day i.e 10th Oct.
- Handle pressure: Handling pressure is very important. In next one month, huge pressure will build up. Many will crumble. But few, who have the ability of handle pressure can transform them into diamond. You can use yoga and positive affirmation to handle pressure.
- Body Clock: Set your body clock right. Every day between 9:30 am – 11: 30 attempt a test as per the plan. It will make your body and mind acclimatized to the D DAY performance.
In Prelims gaining knowledge is only half the work done, applying it to solve MCQs is the real deal.
‘You have to give 100 percent in the first half of the game.
If that isn’t enough, in the second half, you have to give what’s left.’
Many say that UPSC Prelims is about luck, but as far as my experience of cracking it all 6 times back to back goes in UPSC Prelims , the harder you work the luckier you get.
“We must all suffer from one of two pains:
the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”
Which one will you choose?
Remember if you are planning to write IFoS, it is important to cross 120 marks. Time for optimization begins now.