What do you understand by Basic Structure Doctrine? Do you think it is an unfair restriction on the power of Parliament to amend the constitution under Article 368? Critically examine.
Hint: Structure is an unfair restriction on parliament’s power. You, have to critically examine the statement and focus on how it is not so after presenting how it is unfair to an Introduction (I): Define Basic structure and mention Kesavanand Bharti case. Body (B): 1) Briefly talk about amendment power of the Parliament under […]
The primary goal of political parties is to capture power and not public service. In the light of the above statement critically discuss the need for reforming political parties in India.
Hint: The question asks about the role political parties play in Indian democracy. You have to establish that how primary role of parties is to capture power and not public service, but this power is to ensure public service within constitutional framework. Finally, in this context discuss need for reform by showing issues […]