Nihang Sikhs
Nihang Sikhs Subject – Art and Culture Context – Nihangs – the Sikh sect in spotlight after Singhu lynching Concept – Nihang is an order of Sikh warriors, characterised by blue robes, antiquated arms such as swords and spears, and decorated turbans surmounted by steel quoits. According to Sikh historian Dr Balwant Singh […]
Nihang Sikhs
Nihang Sikhs Subject: Art and culture Context: Amidst the farmers announcement of tractor parade on republic day Nihang Sikhs rehearse with 50 horsemen. Concept: Nihang or ‘Akali’ Sikhs are community of armed Sikh warriors in Indian subcontinent. Many trace Nihang Sikhs from Fateh Singh and others from “Akali Dal” formed by Sikh Guru […]