Table Of Contents Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Aerosol UGC The Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update Forest Rights Act (FRA) 1. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Subject: IR Context: Kuwait is planning to reduce the share of foreigners in the country’s population thereby benefitting locals in employment. Concept: Around 8 million Indians work […]
Subject: Acts and policies Context: Fourteen states rejected over 5 lakhs claims under the Scheduled Tribes and Other traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, in suomotu review. Concept: History of forest laws In the colonial era, the British diverted abundant forest wealth of the nation to meet their economic needs. While procedure for settlement of rights was provided […]
Subject: Environment Context: According to a recent World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report, average global temperature can rise by 1.5°C in next 5 years. Findings This is significant as the countries under 2015 Paris Agreement had agreed to try and limit the average global temperature rise to below 2°C by the end of the century. If […]
Subject: Government Organization Context: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has said that states are not permissible to cancel university exams and commission does have the power to take action if states do so. Concept: As per the UGC Act, State governments cannot take this decision. Unlike school education, which is on the State list, higher […]
Subject: Environment Context: WHO has formally acknowledged the possibility that the novel coronavirus can remain in the air in crowded indoor spaces, where short-range aerosol transmission cannot be ruled out. Concept: Aerosols are defined as a combination of liquid or solid particles suspended in a gaseous or liquid environment. “Primary” aerosols, like dust, soot, or sea salt, come directly from […]
Subject: IR Context: Kuwait is planning to reduce the share of foreigners in the country’s population thereby benefitting locals in employment. Concept: Around 8 million Indians work in the GCC countries. Of them, around 2.1 million of them are from Kerala. Other major contributors to the Indian expatriate communities in GCC countries are Uttar Pradesh, […]