Friday Factly
General Studies-1 Population: As the Economic Survey (2018-19) fertility has been declining everywhere and in every community, although rates of decline vary. The national fertility rate is estimated to be 2.2 in 2016 is projected to reach replacement rate around 2021. However, some states have fertility rates higher than the replacement fertility level. […]
General Studies-2 Police: A survey by Common Cause, a non-governmental organisation, and the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) Delhi, showed that 14 per cent of police personnel feel that Muslims are “very much” naturally prone to committing crimes, while 36 per cent feel that Muslims are “somewhat” prone. Police: As […]
General Studies-2 TB: India has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) in the world. Drug Abuse: According to the latest United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World Drug Report about 26.9 crore people used drugs in 2018, which was 30% more than the 2009 figure, with adolescents and young adults accounting […]
General Studies-2 Gender based Violence Gender and pandemic: According to a Study of the Seychelles, carried out in 2019 shows that gender-based violence leads to estimated costs of 4.625% of GDP. Urban- Local Bodies Finance ULBs own revenues constitute only a third of total receipts. According to a study by ICRIER, property tax […]
General Studies-2 Person with disability 21% of total population in India has disability. Overall there are 2 crore 68 lakh persons with disability. More than 41% persons with disabilities in India never get married. Locomotor and multiple disabilities are more commonly found in rural areas of India. India and West Asia Moe 3.4 […]
General Studies -1 Climate Change Actually, the CO2 curve began its upward march about 18,000 years ago when it was a little under 200 parts per million (ppm) and earth was much colder. By the time it reached 270 ppm about 11,500 years ago, the warmer conditions accompanying this curve made it possible […]
GS-2 Health As per National Health Profile 2019 of Central Bureau of Health Intelligence(CBHI), there are 7, 13, 986 total government hospital beds available in India. More precisely, this amounts to 0.55 beds per 1,000 population. Many States even lie below the national figure, Bihar is one of them, experiencing an acute shortage […]