Draft regulations for the front-of-the-pack nutritional labelling
- September 21, 2022
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPN Topics
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Draft regulations for the front-of-the-pack nutritional labelling
Subject : Economy
Context: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has released draft regulations for the front-of-the-pack nutritional labelling (FOPNL) for packaged food companies.
- It will be voluntary in nature for four years.
- It proposes to bring in five star ratings on the front labels of the packed food products to give consumers more information about the nutritional profile of the packaged food products.
- It proposed the mathematical formula on which star ratings
- It has defined baseline reference values for energy, total sugars, saturated fats and sodium that contribute to health risk factors.
- It has also prescribed the minimum percentage of positive nutrients such as fruit and vegetables, nuts, legumes, fibres and protein.
- Based on these two, food products will obtain Indian Nutrition Rating (INR) scores which will determine the number of stars for the food product.
- It proposed the mathematical formula on which star ratings
- For instance, a solid food product with INR scores in the range of 21-24 will be eligible for only one star (higher the number of stars better fulfills better nutrient needs).
- It for the first time defines High Fat Sugar and Salt (HFSS) food
- HFSS food means a processed food product which has high levels of saturated fat or total sugar or sodium.
- Products exceptions-fresh meat, poultry, eggs , herbs, spices, masalas, honey, natural mineral water, buttermilk, infant formula and single-ingredient products such as table-top salt, white sugar, vinegar and mustard.
Front-of-Pack (FoP) Labelling System:
- FoP labelling system has long been listed as one of the global best practices to nudge consumers into healthy food choices.
- The front of pack nutritional labelling has been introduced in various countries where obesity and other lifestyle diseases pose a significant health risk.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) defines FoP labels as nutrition labelling systems that are presented on the front of food packages in the principal field of vision; and present simple, often graphic information on the nutrient content or nutritional quality of products.
- The Codex Alimentarius Commission mentions that “FoP labelling is designed to assist in interpreting nutrient declarations”.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC):