- May 22, 2021
- Posted by: OptimizeIAS Team
- Category: DPN Topics
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Subject: Economy
Context: Indonesia not suspended Indian buffalo meat imports, confirms Indian Embassy in Jakarta.
- The modernization of the meat and poultry processing sector in India is the Pink Revolution.
- Pink revolution is also denoted as a revolution for Onion production, pharmaceuticals and prawn production. Modernization is the mechanization and specialization of the standard of processes in the meat industry.
- Industrialization and upgraded technologies are necessary for the Indian entities to meet and maintain global standards. Also, adopting and developing mass production capacities help industries to be more productive.
- There is tremendous scope for the development of the domestic market because a significant number of the population of India still prefer to buy meat from the local shop instead of standard packaged meat.
- Furthermore, considering the increasing threat of zoonotic diseases, it is imperative that India maintains and builds quality facilities so that exports of the country do not get banned by other countries.