Environment Ministry Reviews Indian Forests Act, Proposes to Decriminalise Certain Violations Subject: Governance Context: with its focus on speeding up resolution of forest-related violations, the government has now proposed to amend the Indian Forests Act, 1927 Indian Forest Act, 1927 In order to make the Forest Act, 1878 more effective and more comprehensive, […]
The National Emblem that will crown India’s new Parliament Subject: Governance Context: Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the National Emblem cast on the roof of the new Parliament building. National Emblem: The state emblem of India was an adaption from the Sarnath ‘Lion Capital of Asoka’ The ‘Lion Capital’ has four lions mounted back to […]
Revealed: How Uber took systems for a ride, used its tech to drive past law Subject: Governance Section: Reports and Indices Context: In its eighth collaboration with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), The Indian Express spent four months investigating The Uber Files, a cache of 124,000 internal emails, text messages and […]
Regulation of medical devices: Draft Bill suggests separate expert group, check on online pharmacies Subject : Governance Section : Act Context: The Union Health ministry has released the new draft ‘Drug, Medical Devices, and Cosmetics Bill-2022’ that separately defines medical devices, makes provision for constitution of a separate expert group on medical devices, […]
Draft National Policy for Persons with Disabilities Subject: Governance Context: Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) has extended the time for the public to submit comments on the draft national policy for persons with disabilities Draft National Policy for Persons with Disabilities: Key points According to the draft policy, the current […]
WB loan to PM Ayushman Bharat Subject : Governance Section: Health The World Bank has approved loans totalling USD 1.75 billion (about Rs 13,834.54 crore) to fund India’s PM Ayushman Bharat scheme and private investment to boost the economic growth. Of the total loan, USD 1 billion will go towards the health sector, while the […]
‘Heal in India’ & ‘Heal by India’ initiatives Subject: Governance Section: Scheme Context: GOI is committed to make India a Global Medical Value Hub by further strengthening our traditional medicine industry and boosting ‘Heal in India’ & ‘Heal by India’ initiatives Heal in India and Heal by India. Heal in India: to promote […]