Herd Immunity Subject – Science and Tech Context – When people move, changing the demography of the ‘herd,’ or when new variants emerge, this can lead to loss of herd immunity. Concept – Herd immunity is when a large number of people are vaccinated against a disease, lowering the chances of others being infected by it. When a sufficient percentage of a population is vaccinated, it slows the spread of disease. It is […]
Herd immunity Subject: Science and Technology Context: The fourth sero survey conducted across India found that on an average 67.6% of the population has been infected. Also, over 25% of people have been vaccinated with one dose. It is Erroneous to conclude we have attained herd immunity,’ says Dr. Srinath Reddy Context: Herd […]
HERD IMMUNITY Subject: Science & tech Context: Despite serosurveys indicating many metros such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune having reached high levels of immunity, the same cities are seeing an explosive surge. Concept: Herd immunity happens when so many people in a community become immune to an infectious disease that it stops the […]
Subject: Science & tech Context: Director-General of ICMR Dr. Balram Bhargava said: “If we’re able to vaccinate a critical mass of people and break virus transmission, then we may not have to vaccinate the entire population.” Concept: Herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of […]
Subject: Science and tech Context: Early indications from the second nationwide sero surveillance conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) show the Indian population is still far from achieving herd immunity against Sars-CoV-2. Concept: Herd immunity happens when so many people in a community become immune to an infectious disease that it stops the disease […]
Subject: Science and tech Context: Recent study found that herd immunity threshold (HIT) required to prevent a resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is in excess of 50 per cent for any epidemiological setting. Concept: Herd immunity happens when so many people in a community become immune to an infectious disease that it stops the disease from spreading. This […]