G 20 Subject: International Organisations Context: Leaders of the world’s largest economies back “voluntary licensing” of Covid-19 vaccine patents, the draft conclusions of a summit show, watering down a US push for waivers and earlier commitments to supply more funds to the World Health Organization. Concept: The G20 is an informal group of […]
UNSC Subject : International Organisations Context : TS Tirumurti, India’s ambassador to the UN, outlined the country’s position during an open debate at the UN Security Council early on Monday, saying both Israel and Palestinian authorities should show extreme restraint and desist from actions that exacerbate tensions Concept : The Security Council was […]
OIC Subject : International Organisations Context :Saudi Arabia has called for foreign ministers of the world’s largest body of Muslim nations to hold a meeting Sunday. Concept : The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states. It is the […]
GAVI Subject : International Organisations Context : India To Get Between 190 To 250 Million Subsidised Covid Vaccines: Gavi Concept : GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization is a public-private global health partnership committed to increasing access to immunization in poor countries It is a global Vaccine Alliance with the goal of […]
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Subject : International Organisations Context : International Criminal Court sentences Ugandan rebel to 25 years in prison for 61 war crimes and crimes against humanity Concept : The International Criminal Court (ICC), located in The Hague, is the court of last resort for prosecution of genocide, war crimes, and crimes […]
CEEW – CEF Subject : International Organisations Concept : CEEW-CEF acts as a non-partisan market observer and driver that monitors, develops, tests, and deploys financial solutions to advance the energy transition. It aims to help deepen markets, increase transparency, and attract capital in clean energy sectors in emerging economies. The CEEW Centre for […]
OPEC Subject: International Organisations Context : OPEC’s share of India’s oil imports fell to the lowest in at least two decades in the year to the end of March as overall purchases by Asia’s third-largest economy fell to a six-year low, data obtained from industry and trade sources showed. Concept : The Organization […]
PETA Subject : International Organisations Context : Epicurious, one of the world’s most popular recipe websites, announced that it will no longer be publishing any beef-related content. People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which described the move as “terrific”. Concept : People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal […]
COUNCIL OF EUROPEAN UNION Subject : International Organisations Context : The Council of the European Union approved conclusions on a European Union strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific to reinforce its strategic focus to contribute to regional stability at a time of “rising challenges and tensions in the region. Concept : The Council […]
NATO Subject: International Organisations Context: NATO will likely join the U.S. in withdrawing all troops from Afghanistan this September, German Defense Minister AnnegretKramp-Karrenbauer said Wednesday. Concept: North Atlantic Treaty Organization: It is an intergovernmental military alliance. Established by Washington treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. Headquarters — Brussels, Belgium. Headquarters of […]