Friday Factly
General Studies – 2 A 100 Kcal of energy from fruits costs five times that from rice — but they are also 20 per cent more expensive than even the western world. Based on a NIN-ICMR report of 2019, I estimate that Indians eat only 32 grams of fruit a day versus the […]
Poverty 736 million people lived below the international poverty line of US $ 1.90 a day in 2015. In 2018, almost 8 per cent of the world’s workers and their families lived on less than US$1.90 per person per day. Most people living below the poverty line belong to two regions: Southern Asia […]
General Studies-2 Malnutrition: As per the combined report of FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO on “The state of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” there were 673 million undernourished people globally, of which 189.2 million (28 per cent) were in India in 2017-19. India accounts for 28 per cent (40.3 million) […]
General Studies-2 Disability Prevalence: As per statistics maintained by the UN, in India 2.4 per cent of males are disabled and two per cent of females from all age groups are disabled. In comparison, the disability prevalence in the US is 12.9 per cent among females and 12.7 per cent among males. Disability […]
General Studies-1 Urbanization: Indian cities are home to 461 million people and generates 63 per cent of the country’s GDP, The share of manufacturing in India’s GDP has remained stagnant around 16 per cent for nearly three decades. The share of services is around 55 per cent share in the economy. In India, every […]
General Studies-1 Urbanization: Home to 461 million people, and generating 63 per cent of the country’s GDP, India’s cities are at the frontlines of the pandemic. General Studies-2 World Health Organization: World Health Organization (WHO)’s reports show that the worsening state of poor air quality is responsible for more than 7.5 million fatalities […]
General Studies-1 Aging population: According to a report by the Ministry of Statistics in 2018, the number of citizens over the age of 60 jumped 35.5 per cent, from 7.6 crore in 2001 to 10.3 crore in 2011. This is an all-time high since 1950, and is almost twice the rate at which […]
General Studies-1 Sea Level Rise: As per this assessment, 0.5-0.7 per cent of the world’s land area is at a risk of episodic coastal flooding by 2100, impacting 2.5-4.1 per cent of the population, assuming there are no coastal defenses or adaptation measures in place. Study has found that globally, of the 68 […]
General Studies-1 Women: India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) stands at 122 as per the latest Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin from last year — a significant decline from an MMR of 556 in 1990. A parallel decrease in the prevalence of child marriage is also noted — 58 per cent in 1970-80 to […]
General Studies-2 Pendency of court cases: There are 59,867 cases pending in the Supreme Court, and 44.75 lakh cases in various high courts. At the district and subordinate court levels, the number of pending cases stand at a shocking 3.14 crore. Stunting: India accounts for more than 61 million stunted children (low height for age), 47 million underweight children (low weight for age) […]